Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Antibiotic resistant Gonorrhea's Next Stop: The United States

--Anonymous Std Testing of Antibiotic resistant Gonorrhea's Next Stop: The United States-- Advertisements

Antibiotic resistant Gonorrhea's Next Stop: The United States

Scientists have discovered a strain of Gonorrhea that is unyielding to any antibiotics; so far no cases have been reported in the United States but cases have been reported as close as Britain, France and Australia. As Sexually transmitted diseases (Stds) continue to rise around the world it is only a matter of time before this new strain of anabolic unyielding gonorrhea reaches our doorstep.

Antibiotic resistant Gonorrhea's Next Stop: The United States

Cephalosporin is used to kill even the toughest cases of gonorrhea but the antibiotic is unreceptive to the new strain of Std. Doctors around the world are searching for a cure but have yet to find any combo of drugs that will combat the disease.

So far, the best formula against fighting the disease is to get early testing at an Std clinic. If the disease is detected early, a outpatient may begin a many procedure of antibiotics in hopes it will be sufficient in the fight to operate the new strain of gonorrhea. If the disease goes undiagnosed the infected man risks serious complications together with infertility in women, and for both sexes, there is an increased risk of contracting Hiv and, or, having serious heart infections.

Receiving Std testing at a clinic is vital for anyone over the age of eighteen who is sexually active, but now, getting tested at a Std clinic is imperative to the health of our nation.

No one wants to be ill and taking chances with your health is not something you have to do. Everyone should be selective with whom they select to have sex with and all the time practice safe sex by using latex condoms. If you make it a regular practice to receive testing at a local Std clinic, you will stay in the know with your health.

Std clinics offer anonymous testing. A outpatient can make an appointment and receive same day or next day testing. If the outpatient choses they can pay cash for their visit so that there will be no trace of their Std test. They will be asked to come into the Std clinic for a blood draw and a urine test. Within about forty-eight hours the outpatient will be notified with the results of the Std test.

Knowing there are cases of the new strain of gonorrhea as close as a plane ride away from our country, it might mean that the disease is already here and no one has received testing for it yet. Make sure you make an appointment today by calling your local Std clinic and stay wholesome while retention informed of all the most recent Std news.

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