Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Keep It A Secret! Some of the Few Advantages of Visiting A hidden Std Clinic

--Anonymous Std Testing of Keep It A Secret! Some of the Few Advantages of Visiting A hidden Std Clinic--

read this post here Keep It A Secret! Some of the Few Advantages of Visiting A hidden Std Clinic

Nothing leaves an uglier or more disturbing stigma on someone's life than to be infected with a sexually transmitted disease, or Std. As it often goes, most habitancy are unaware of having been infected with an Std, so that in their ignorance, they pose a threat of unknowingly infecting their sex partners. Knowing if you're infected with an Std is hard, mostly because symptoms of an Std infection can mimic other curable diseases, and thus go by unnoticed or ignored. Some symptoms manifest itself in the form of rashes, blisters, or even a straightforward itch, which might then be view of as a mere skin condition. Other symptoms like fatigue, abdominal pain, or nausea can be misdiagnosed. Most of the time, this series of detection and misdiagnosis succeed in ineffective or erroneous treatments, which serve nothing more than to keep the disease uncured. For those habitancy with more obvious symptoms, the reluctance to seek medical help may stem from shyness or shame. They fear that since an Std is transmitted via sexual intercourse, they will be socially ostracized or laughed at by others.

Keep It A Secret! Some of the Few Advantages of Visiting A hidden Std Clinic

Many habitancy go by with undetected symptoms of Std, and some who know that they are infected go by untreated. Ignorance, shame, or fear prevents these habitancy from receiving the best medical concentration that they deserve, and it is a painful fact, knowing that if these diseases are let be, they will come to be more rampant, affecting more people. If left untreated, Std's can also organize into more serious medical conditions, often with fatal results.

Gender wise, women have an advantage over men in that they are given more opportunities for any inexpressive std test. This test, done discreetly, is performed as they go for their each year pap smears, or while pre-natal monthly check-ups. In the case with men however, they are very shy with having to go to a clinic to get tested for Std infections and have habitancy look at them funny with raised eyebrows. This kind of tasteless incident leaves exiguous to no room for comfort, and lessens a person's self-esteem. One of the best options a someone can take is to go to a reputable Std specialized clinic and undergo inexpressive Std testing.
Hospitals and other medical organizations are required by law to submit medical results, and all these results belong to the communal domain, so a someone who is singular about holding his medical history a inexpressive will hesitate to receive diagnosis or treatment in these facilities. Luckily, inexpressive Std testing offers a brilliant solution to privacy issues!

Just like a typical hospital, Std centers which offer inexpressive Std testing gives one all the indispensable tests to detect infection. Details such as medical history, blood, urine, saliva, and other bodily fluids will be required, however, all of the results that will arise from the testing, whether inescapable or not, will be kept highly confidential. The person's name, gender, age, and other relevant data will not be revealed, and instead, they will be given an identification code. Only the healthcare practitioner and any subsequent attendants are privy to the person's medical information. All of the results will be sent to the someone concerned via email, or by phone. All of these will be done in private, with the strictest conditions of ensuring the anonymity and security of the someone involved.

Private Std Testing --- Know more about it. It will be highly valuable, if ever the need will arise in the future.

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Monday, September 3, 2012

New York Banker's Spreadsheet Could protect Him From Stds

--Anonymous Std Testing of New York Banker's Spreadsheet Could protect Him From Stds--

such a good point New York Banker's Spreadsheet Could protect Him From Stds

A New York investment banker is a bit more cautious about sharing his spreadsheets these days. Using a detailed spreadsheet to keep track of his dating prospects he'd met on Match.com, he forwarded it to one of his prospects, a woman who forwarded it on to her friends and co-workers for some Monday morning entertainment. Now his spreadsheet has gone viral. While he is catching some heat despite his claims it was an honest attempt to stay organized, using a spreadsheet to keep track of dating prospects isn't a bad idea, especially when it comes to Stds.

New York Banker's Spreadsheet Could protect Him From Stds

If you are sexually active with multiple partners, knowing their sexual histories is crucial to protecting your sexual health. A spreadsheet is an excellent tool to help you keep track of multiple partners, their behaviors and conversations. If you know whether or not a person has an Std before you have sex with them, you can make a good decision about whether or not you still want have sex with them and about using condoms. Having unprotected sex increases your risk of contracting Stds like chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhea, Hiv/Aids, Hpv (Human Papilloma Virus) and syphilis. Aside from abstinence, using condoms consistently and correctly is the best way to avoid contracting an Std. Condoms should hug the penis to avoid slippage while sexual intercourse and you should avoid using condoms that are ripped or torn. Avoid using oil-based lubricants like lotion or petroleum jelly that deteriorate latex, rending a condom useless.

The issue with having multiple sexual partners is that many Stds are asymptomatic, meaning they show no signs or symptoms. So you or your partner could have an Std and not even know it. This is why Stds are spread so really and why Std testing is so important. Only with Std testing will you know your status for sure. Many sexually active habitancy are reluctant to get Std testing because they don't have a traditional doctor, don't want to caress an embarrassing doctor's office visit or they don't want to submit Std testing to their condition assurance company.

With confidential online Std testing you can avoid an embarrassing visit to your family's doctor's office. Anonymous Std testing insures your test results are only shared with you and not your assurance company. With same day anonymous Std testing your test results are available within 24 to 72 hours so you have your test results swiftly and can get the medicine you need as soon as possible.

If left untreated, Stds like chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause infertility; Hpv can cause anal and cervical cancers and industrialized syphilis can cause damage to the brain, heart and other organs. In the case of genital herpes and Hiv/Aids there still is no cure. medicine can only treat outbreaks and symptoms.

Keeping a spreadsheet of your prospects and their Std status may seem extreme, but it could save your life. The more you know about your partners' sexual health, the more you can protect your own. Using condoms and getting Std testing done commonly are the best ways to protect your sexual condition also abstinence. Don't wait. Get tested.

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Hiv Attacks Body's Immune law

--Anonymous Std Testing of Hiv Attacks Body's Immune law--

right here Hiv Attacks Body's Immune law

Hiv stands for human immunodeficiency virus. It breaks down the immune theory -our body's safety against disease. Hiv destroys white blood cells that are required to fight infection. As the white cell count falls to hazardous levels infections and diseases emerge.

Hiv Attacks Body's Immune law

Hiv is the virus that causes Aids (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), a life-threatening disease. Normally, the immune theory produces white blood cells and antibodies that attack viruses and bacteria. Hiv thus makes its victims genuinely vulnerable to any infection. Gastrointestinal symptoms include poor appetite, diarrhoea, severe fatigue that results in rapid weight loss etc. The virus attacks your Cd4 cells (or T4 cells), which are primary to fight off illnesses.

Hiv has been given this name because its long-term consequent is to attack the immune theory of the body, development it weak and deficient. We live virtually in a sea of microorganisms and at every moment an immense estimate of them are entering our body. Hiv-1 is predominant worldwide. Whenever citizen refer to Hiv, it is understood to be Hiv-1. Hiv-infected men, for instance, are eight times more likely than Hiv-infected women to found a skin cancer known as Kaposi's sarcoma.

Hiv fusion inhibitors work by blocking Hiv's ability to infect salutary Cd4+ cells. Integrase inhibitors work by blocking integrase, the enzyme that Hiv uses to merge genetic material of the virus into its target host cell. Hiv-infected children oftentimes are slow to reach prominent milestones in motor skills and mental amelioration such as crawling, walking and speaking. As the disease progresses, many children found neurologic problems such as mystery walking, poor school performance, seizures, and other symptoms of Hiv encephalopathy. Hiv/Aids is always fatal and it's primary to understand how it works as much as inherent to prevent one from getting the disease.

Hiv can cross the placenta while pregnancy, infect the baby while the birth and, unlike most Stds, can also infect the baby straight through breastfeeding. Hiv is carried in blood, sperm, seminal fluid, vaginal fluid (including menstrual fluid) and breast milk. It can't pass straight through unbroken skin, however, and it isn't airborne like flu or the coarse cold - it has to enter the body via the bloodstream or straight through sex. Hiv is much more genuinely spread in the nearnessy of inflammatory Stds such as gonorrhea.

Infection at delivery is the most coarse mode of transmission. A estimate of factors sway the risk of infection, particularly the viral load of the mother at birth - the higher the load, the higher the risk. Infections that a salutary man can fight off have the ability to take hold in man suffering from Aids. An Hiv/Aids inpatient can display any estimate of symptoms, with those symptoms depending on which stage of the disease the man is experiencing. Infection with Hiv occurs by the change of blood , semen , vaginal fluid , pre-ejaculate , or breast milk . Within these corporal fluids , Hiv is present as both free virus particles and virus within infected immune cells .

Opportunistic infections are coarse in citizen with Aids. Nearly every organ theory is affected.

Related: transmitted, testing, test, syphilis, std, sexually, hiv, gonorrhea, disease, confidential, new york, anonymous, aids

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