Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mom Was Right About Getting Rest

--Anonymous Std Testing of Mom Was Right About Getting Rest--

total stranger Mom Was Right About Getting Rest

According to sleep researchers in Boston, sleep deprivation may increase satisfaction seeking operation in the brain. Without sufficient sleep, regions of the brain that regularly control such cravings are dampened. Twenty-five volunteers' brains were compared after general and diminutive hours of sleep. When sleep deprived volunteers viewed images of unhealthy foods their brain networks' connection with craving and repaymen was more active than it was for volunteers who had experienced more sleep. So while more study is needed, the study shows that sleep deprived habitancy are more prone to manufacture unhealthy food choices. Where then, is the study for brain operation that does or doesn't occur when it comes to manufacture unhealthy sex choices? Is sleep deprivation to blame or too much alcohol?

Mom Was Right About Getting Rest

While the jury is still out, we have to default to mom's guidance about getting sufficient rest and practicing moderation. Yep, mom was right, too diminutive sleep and too much alcohol is never a good thing. "Nothing good ever happens after midnight." She used to say. For proof just look at what happened on Cinderella's ride home - broken down, no cell phone, no assurance and dressed in rags. She was just request for trouble. But all jokes aside, it's up to you to eat right and safe your sexual health. So regardless of what researchers are "discovering" these days, the fact remains that it's up to you to use condoms, know your partners' sexual history and get Std testing. There's no fairy godmother to come to your rescue.

Aside from abstinence, condoms are the best safety against Stds. So why are so many singles still having unprotected sex with strangers? Do they think they're immune from contracting Stds? Some do and in fact, some have no idea they are already infected. That's because many Stds are asymptomatic, meaning they don't show signs or symptoms. This is why Stds are spread so easily. The trouble is when you think you aren't infected you don't get the treatment you need. If left untreated, Stds like chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause infertility, Hpv (Human Papilloma Virus) can cause anal and cervical cancers and industrialized syphilis can cause damage to the brain, heart and other organs. Once a someone is infected with genital herpes they have the virus for life. They can't predict when they'll have another outbreak, nor can they warrant their partners won't get infected. And contracting the Hiv/Aids virus is fatal.

Sadly, after know this many sexually active habitancy are still reluctant to get anonymous Std testing because they don't have a traditional physician, they have no health insurance, they're afraid of an embarrassing doctor's office visit or they don't want their Std test results submitted to their health assurance company, especially if infidelity is involved. But many have benefitted from anonymous Std testing because Std tests are conducted in a lab so they can avoid an embarrassing doctor's office visit. Anonymous Std testing accepts pre-paid credit cards so your Std test results aren't submitted to your health assurance company.

So there's no excuse for not getting tested. Anonymous Std testing is the only way to know your Std status for sure so you can get the treatment you need and added forestall the spread of Stds.

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